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"Haus 39", St. Gallen
Impressive range of luminaires
The design of the unusual outdoor luminaires belonging to the new “Haus 39” building in St. Gallen reflects the style of the laundry next door. Forma Architekten from St. Gallen put their heart and soul into the realisation of their concept in collaboration with Tulux AG from Tuggen.

The new “Haus 39” building opened in early 2018. The entire shell and the interior design was planned by Forma. After more than seven years of planning by the architects and around 30 months of construction, the new building in Rorschacherstrasse 226 offers a library, a cafeteria, an auditorium and a medical training centre. The upper floors also house a crèche, a training room and office space. At the request of the two building owners, Emil Wild AG and Kantonsspital St. Gallen, various hospital departments are dedicated to the topic of “learning” in “Haus 39.”

Forma Architekten was looking for a manufacturer for the luminaires, and Tulux impressed with the countless luminaires in its standard range plus the offer of custom luminaires produced in Switzerland. The chosen lighting design focuses on the two custom luminaires in the indoor and outdoor areas and the new products LEAN AND EQUIP. Indoors, the eye is drawn to the 230 large, cube-shaped acrylic diffuser luminaires. The offset positioning of these custom luminaires mean they not only ensure optimal lighting conditions, but are also an attractive design feature. Together with the interior design, the lighting thus creates the desired warm atmosphere. Patrick Eberhard, qualified architect (UAS), is delighted with the constructive collaboration with Tulux:

A fresh approach to exterior lighting
It was particularly important to the architects that the courtyard between the new building and the laundry next door be enlivened from various angles. The architects wanted a luminaire that resembled a “laundry bag”, to visually reflect the neighbouring laundry. Lighting solutions for outdoor areas can be challenging, and Forma Architekten also put its trust in Tulux for this shared project. Forma and Tulux sketched an initial design based on a real laundry bag. Using this sketch, Tulux then swiftly created a prototype for the custom luminaire and made the architects’ vision a reality. The eight custom luminaires are each two metres long with a diameter of one metre. Michael Bösch, member of the management team, is delighted with the result: